26mm painted metal figures British BH18 British 95th Rifles command

In order to create more power on the battlefield, the British Colonel Manningham established in 1800 a corps of sharp shooters.


These existed of well trained men who had a natural talent for shooting. It was their task to skirmish with the Napoleonic troops. These men were thought to act as a team as well for their selves. They had remarkable uniforms. Among all the glitter and glamor in uniforms, the uniforms of the 95 rifles was dark green with black and gray. I have never understand why this was. Red had always been the main color of the British troops.

The main task for the 95 rifles was to infiltrate and attack in small groups and to take out targets as officers, trumpeters, drummers, especially to make as much damage as possible.

The 95 rifles had a Baker Musket and (sword bayonet) witch was accurate to about 300 meter.

At the battle of Waterloo about 1300 men were in action to defend the farmyard La Haye Sainte. Losses about 500 men in one day...