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The Union Army

Although I paint very fast, the total 25mm range is to become painted in 2010.

Here you see an example for painted 25mm figures


25mm, General in full dress

25mm, General in full dressGeneral Staff

25mm, General with field glasses

25mm, General with field glassesGeneral Staff

25mm, Staff Officer with map

25mm, Staff Officer with mapGeneral Staff

25mm, Officer advancing

25mm, Officer advancingInfantry

25mm, Standard Bearer NCO

25mm, Standard Bearer NCOInfantry

25mm, Drummer

25mm, DrummerInfantry

25mm, Private standing firing

25mm, Private standing firingInfantry

25mm, Private advancing at ready

25mm, Private advancing at readyInfantry

25mm, Private marching

25mm, Private marchingInfantry

25mm, Private kneeling firing

25mm, Private kneeling firingInfantry

25mm, Private advancing high porte

25mm, Private advancing high porteInfantry

25mm, Private falling wounded

25mm, Private falling woundedInfantry

25mm, Officer advancing

25mm, Officer advancingZouaves 5th New York

25mm, Standard Bearer

25mm, Standard BearerZouaves 5th New York

25mm, Drummer

25mm, DrummerZouaves 5th New York

25mm, Zouave standing firing

25mm, Zouave standing firingZouaves 5th New York

25mm, Zouave advancing at ready

25mm, Zouave advancing at readyZouaves 5th New York

25mm, Zouave kneeling firing

25mm, Zouave kneeling firingZouaves 5th New York

25mm, Officer advancing

25mm, Officer advancingBerdans Sharpshooters

25mm, Bugler

25mm, BuglerBerdans Sharpshooters

25mm, Private standing firing

25mm, Private standing firingBerdans Sharpshooters

25mm, Private advancing, loading

25mm, Private advancing, loadingBerdans Sharpshooters

25mm, Private kneeling firing

25mm, Private kneeling firingBerdans Sharpshooters

25mm, Officer advancing

25mm, Officer advancingGaribaldi Guard 39th  New York

25mm, Bugler

25mm, BuglerGaribaldi Guard 39th  New York